25th Anniversary Of West Highland Way

An official celebration of the West Highland Way’s 25th birthday took place in Milngavie on Thursday 6th October. Representatives from the managing authorities - East Dunbartonshire Council, Stirling Council, Argyll and Bute Council, The Highland Council, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park and Scottish Natural Heritage – along with some of the original founders such as Tom Hunter and Jimmie McGregor came together to unveil the route’s newest asset.

A new landscaped area, with a curved stone wall, an interpretation panel and seating has been created just a short distance from Milngavie’s West Highland Way obelisk. A commemoration plaque was unveiled by Councillor Duncan Cumming who has been instrumental in securing funding for the improvements works as part of an overall scheme that has seen sections of the route upgraded and new links into Mugdock Country Park introduced. Scottish Enterprise Dunbartonshire also provided funding for the improvements.

Speaking at the event, Councillor Duncan Cumming said, "This is a fantastic new feature to enhance the start of the West Highland Way. I am delighted to be part of these anniversary celebrations and to be promoting the Way, which is such an important element of our local area.

"We are so fortunate to have such an asset on our doorstep, and visitors to the West Highland Way contribute greatly to our local economy."

It is 25 years since the West Highland Way was officially opened by Earl of Mansfield, Secretary of State for the Scottish Office. As Scotland’s premier Long Distance Route the Way has gone from strength to strength, now attracting around 15,000 whole route walkers and 80,000 part route walkers each year. Supporting almost 200 businesses, the West Highland Way is now estimated to generate £3.5 million to the Scottish economy each year. For some of these businesses 100% of their income is from West Highland Way walkers.

The event was also an opportunity for the launch of the new West Highland Way brand and logo with guests being the first to see the special celebratory 25th anniversary WHW DVD.

20 Apr 2006