Highland schools clash camans in first shinty tournament

Twelve primary schools from throughout the Highlands will gather at Inverness Leisure, Bught, Inverness this Saturday 31st October to take part in the First Shinty 6-a-side Championships.

First Shinty is a modified version on the full game of designed for children using plastic sticks with rubber heads and soft balls.

The event has been organised by The Highland Council’s Active Schools Co-ordinator Matthew MacIver and the Camnachd Assocation’s Highland Shinty Development Officer Ronald Ross.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee Councillor Bill Fernie said: “The Council’s programme for administration supports the development of sporting activities and, in particular encourages the development and growth of Shinty. This tournament is an excellent opportunity for our primary pupils to practice the Shinty skills they have been learning at school in a competitive situation.”

Around 120 pupils from primaries 1 to 5 will be taking part in the competition which takes places from 11:00am to 1pm.

2 Nov 2009