New Highland Youth Convener Takes Up Post

Magnus Monahan from Spinningdale, Sutherland,  this week took up his new full-time role as the Highland’s Youth Convener. Magnus (18) will be the sounding board for youth issues in the Highlands and will have a direct line into policy makers and decision takers and will be a member of The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee, with full voting powers.

Magnus ,who attended Dornoch Academy, will be based at the Council’s Inverness headquarters but will also work with partner agencies. His post is for one year.

As Youth Convener, Magnus will:

• help with the Council’s co-ordination and communication with other young people;

• offer a consistent link for members and officials to informally seek their views; and

• attend Council and Planning Partner meetings where appropriate and has full voting rights on the Education, Culture and Sport Committee and Joint Committee for Children and Young People.

Magnus ,who has also lived in Strathconon, has been a member of Highland Youth Voice and various other youth groups for the past three years.

He said: “I am really excited about the year ahead.  I think this post provides an excellent opportunity for me to make a difference to young people in the Highlands. I hope to continue to improve Highland Youth Voice and I’m also keen to build up links between the wide variety of communities within the Highlands. I also have a strong interest in environmental issues and I think this is an area where young people can take the lead as this issue will only become more important.

 “I hope that my experience with Highland Youth Voice and the Sutherland Youth Forum will stand me in good stead for my new post and I’m looking forward to being able to continue some of the work I have started, on a full time basis. I will endeavour to gather as many opinions, from as wide a range as possible and I will ensure that I speak up for young people wherever possible. I can’t wait to get started.”

The Highland Council Convener Sandy Park, who introduced Magnus to the full council at its meeting in Inverness,  said: “Magnus was an outstanding candidate and his extensive experience in youth matters will be very valuable in representing the views of young people during his year as youth convener.  He will offer an important new dimension to the policy making and decision making process.”

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of Education Culture and Sport Committee,  added: “I have no doubt that Magnus will prove a most able and persuasive champion for young people. We look forward to working with him.”


3 Sep 2009