Culloden and Ardersier Ward Forum Focuses on Highland Wide Development Plan

The next meeting of The Highland Council’s Culloden and Ardersier Ward Forum will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 7 September in Culloden Academy to discuss the new Highland Wide Local Development Plan.

The Plan sets out the strategy, policy and vision for the Highlands over the next 10-20 years and will provide clear policy guidance for all types of development. It will update and replace parts of the Highland Structure Plan as well as parts of existing Local Plans which cover strategic policy issues.  It will also set the context for the three Local Development Plans which will follow – one for the Inner Moray Firth area, one for the Caithness and Sutherland area and one for the West Highland and Islands area. The Forum will be attended by Malcolm MacLeod, Development Plans Manager.

Councillor Bob Wynd, who will be chairing the Forum, said: “The Forum offers an opportunity for local people to hear about and contribute towards the development of the Highland Wide Development Plan. As usual I am looking forward to a lively debate.”

As with all Ward Forums, there will also be an opportunity to discuss any issues of concern that members of the public wish to raise.

4 Sep 2009