Renowned Philippine speaker talks about the power of education during International Learners’ Week

The Highland Council, in collaboration with Scotland’s Learning Partnership, is celebrating International Learners’ Week by hosting the internationally renowned speaker Edicio de La Torre from the Philippines on Monday 7th September.

Edicio will be meeting adult learners, volunteer tutors and representatives from many of the organisations who work with adult learners in the Highlands and throughout Scotland. His visit will culminate with a lecture and discussion in The Highland Council chamber. This is a unique opportunity for people in the Highlands to meet and hear him speak about the power of education.

In the late 1960s Edicio got involved in political activism in the Philippines. He was a priest and served as chaplain and educator of farmer leaders and youth leaders, and was involved in grassroots organising during the resistance years to martial rule in the Philippines. He spent some years as a political prisoner and in exile in Europe.

Edicio worked in popular education among various communities inside the Philippines, and with migrant Filipino communities in Europe. In 1992 he returned home and started the Education for Life Foundation to train a new generation of grassroots leaders. He is president of this organisation.

Edicio served as head of the government agency for technical education and skills development for three years. His interest is still with grassroots leadership formation, entrepreneurship, and occasionally consulting work with institutions, mainly in the fields of leadership development and culture-building.

Fiona Boucher, Director of Scotland’s Learning Partnership said: “Anyone who hasn’t heard him speak should be prepared to be blown away.  His courage, dignity and compassion in the face of a difficult political situation in his country help to renew your faith in the power of adult learning in these difficult financial times.”

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “We warmly welcome Edicio to the Highlands and look forward to hearing him talk about his experiences in adult learning. I am sure that he will be a great inspiration to all those attending and hope that he will provide encouragement for all those learning, working and tutoring in adult education in the Highlands.”

7 Sep 2009