Amendment to Inverness City Centre Flood Scheme

The Highland Council is amending its plans for easing flooding in Inverness city centre by reducing the scope of the initial works.

The Council wants more time to finalise plans for flood prevention measures in the upstream section of the multi-million scheme, allowing work to commence on the lower part of the river.

Withdrawn from the current planning application, where there have been representations, are works that were proposed between Bishop’s Walk to Ness Bridge and from Ladies’ Walk to Ness Bridge. The details and proposals for these upper sections of the river will be reconsidered and a new application made for the upper areas at a later date.

The lower part of the river which includes sections of flood protection extending from Huntly Street to South Kessock and from Bank Street to the Harbour will be kept in the current planning application. Once planning approval is obtained it is intended to press forward with the provision of flood protection for these lower areas.

Within the city and adjacent to the River Ness there are more than 700 properties which are at risk of flooding from a 1 in 100 year flood. The floods could be caused by high tides or excess river flows or a combination of these two events. The lower sections of the river are at most risk of flooding and the main risk arises from high tides in combination with high river flows. The upper sections of the river are at risk from high water levels of the River Ness.

A specialist consultant was employed to advise The Highland Council on flood protection measures for the city.
Any improvements to river banks for the purposes of flood protection have to obtain a Flood Prevention Order. The Council has already obtained the required Order for the whole of the scheme.

The flood prevention measures also need planning approval. The application for detailed planning approval for the scheme received a number of representations, comments and a few objections. Most of the concerns applied to the upstream sections of the proposed flood protection. These mainly related to the proposed appearance of the proposed walls, the possible effects on riverside trees and riverside conservation areas.


7 Sep 2009