Locals urged to have their say on Ullapool environmental improvements

People living in the Lochbroom Community Council area are invited to an informal drop in session as part of Ullapool Community Trust’s Open Day to view outline proposals for environmental improvements in the village.

This event is being held on Saturday 12th September, from 11am-4pm in Ullapool Village Hall, Market Street, Ullapool.

The event will provide an opportunity for residents to have their say on how funds currently available for improvements in Ullapool should be spent.  The Highland Council Planning and Development Service has a Capital sum of £44,000 over financial year 2009-10 specifically towards enhancing the quality of the local environment and it is hoped that further contributions will be available from other agencies to supplement Council funds.

Initial consultation with Lochbroom Community Council has identified a project to upgrade the Am Pollan open space by enhancing the quality of the paths, the gateway and boundary features.
The public are invited to come along to view the proposals and give their opinions on the Am Pollan project as well as suggest other potential schemes that would contribute towards enhancing their area.  Officers from the Council’s Planning and Development Service will also be present to discuss any aspects of the project with those who wish to attend.

Councillor Ian Ross, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee said: “It is very important that local people make their opinions known to the Council about how they would like to see money being spent in their area on environmental improvements. Early suggestions received through the community council have already been welcomed but we would encourage more feedback from others that live in the area.”

Anyone unable to attend the open day can pick up a questionnaire from Ullapool Service Point or email planp@highland.gov.uk.

7 Sep 2009