Fort William primary school

According to a follow up HMIe report, attainment is reported as having been consistently good over the past three years and is continuing to improve with significant numbers of pupils achieving levels in advance of national expectations. A broad and balanced curriculum is in place and is supported by programmes of study which provide continuity and progression and meet pupil needs.

Parents and community members continue to be actively involved in school events and the wide range of activities that pupils participate in has allowed them to gain worthwhile experiences in becoming caring and considerate members of the community.

The school environment has also been improved. In order to provide a safer route to school, The Highland Council has installed barriers and new signage along the pavement and employed a crossing patroller. Cars are no longer permitted to use the playground and new toilets have provided an improved facility for pupils.

Mrs Sue Commander, Head Teacher, said that she was very pleased with the report and would like to acknowledge the hard work of all members of the school community.


5 May 2006