Lochaber High School Upgrade Progresses

Work is progressing well on the £7.9 million first phase of improvements to Lochaber High School.

The creation of a sports and drama centre is a key feature of phase one. Well underway is construction of a four-court games hall, teaching and viewing areas, changing/shower rooms, new gym and new fitness suite.  Further demolition of old facilities has taken place to begin the installation of the foundations for the second part of the build, which will include the dance studio, external changing facilities, staff base and entrance.

A welcome development for staff and pupils has been the demolition of a concrete structure in the school courtyard, linking the two quadrangles, which has opened up views of Ben Nevis and significantly brightened up this area at the centre of the school. 

Nearby, work is proceeding on refurbishing 8 classrooms, the depute head teachers’ offices, the seminar Room, social areas and toilet facilities.  The rooms in this area have been completely stripped out, including the walls on the ground floor which have been removed in order to make five rooms into four.  The refurbishment of classrooms includes new heating systems, replacement of all electrical wiring, network cabling and data points, insulation, double-glazing, painting, carpeting, furnishings and the installation of the latest teaching technologies.

Final discussions are currently underway regarding the phasing of this next stage of the development, which involves refurbishment of ICT, home economics, pupil support base and new build technology rooms.

Already completed is the installation of new wooden flooring in the assembly hall.  The installation of the custom built tiered seating is scheduled for the end of October 2009.

The building most recently used as the school hostel is currently being divided into two areas providing a new house for the head janitor and short-term, en-suite accommodation with shared facilities for new staff coming to work in the Lochaber area.  The current house occupied by the janitor will be demolished, making way for the new school and community entrance to the sports and drama centre.

Work is now well underway to create a much needed new sports fields and athletics track for the school and the local community.  Two sports fields with additional space for track and field events are currently being constructed to the north of the school.

Head Teacher Jim Sutherland said: “Staff and pupils are delighted that such good progress is being made in each of the phases of the redevelopment.  It is an exciting time to be at Lochaber High School with so many changes underway and all are looking forward to the benefits that state of the art facilities will bring to the school and wider community.”

Councillor Michael Foxley, Leader of the Council’s Administration, said: “The change to the interior is spectacular. Lochaber High School will soon have some of the best sports facilities in Scotland and a greatly improved learning environment.”

The Council has earmarked a total of £15 million for the upgrading of the school. The go ahead for the later phases of the construction have yet to be determined.

8 Sep 2009