Skye and Edinburgh Pupils Take Part in Air Iomlaid Art Exchange Project

Pupils from primary schools in Sleat, Skye, and Tollcross, Edinburgh are taking part in an exciting new visual arts project. The 18 month long project called Air Iomlaid (On Exchange) aims to open up an exchange of ideas and techniques, and to explore culture and language in schools throughout Scotland.   

Air Iomlaid has been developed by the Fruitmarket Gallery, artist Julie Brook and Lasair Ealain, the arts committee of pupils from Bun-sgoil Shlèite a Gaelic-speaking primary school on Skye.   

This week saw 31 Gaelic Medium P6/7 pupils from Tollcross come to Skye as part one of the exchange.  They have visited Tarskavaig on the Sleat peninsula, Torrin and Sligachan during their three days of intensive art workshops where they have been investigating their local landscape and the environment, learning about the natural history of the area and extending their Gaelic vocabulary.    

20 Primary 4-7 Gaelic Medium pupils from Sleat will visit Edinburgh for a week from 28 September.  New technologies have been employed throughout this project to enable the children to work jointly across the geographic distance – to share their drawings and experiences. 

For more information please visit:                        


10 Sep 2009