Successful Visit Of HRH The Princess Royal To Tain Royal Academy

200 years after her Great, Great Grandfather, King George III signed a Royal charter granting a secondary school for Tain, Princess Anne, The Princess Royal has visited Tain Royal Academy to unveil a framed duplicate of the Charter which will go on permanent display.

On her arrival yesterday (Wednesday 9 September) at the 535 pupil school, HRH The Princess Royal was invited by Head Teacher Donnie MacLeod to visit 5th & 6th Year pupils in a Higher Maths class, a classroom with 4th year pupils who are currently studying the Home Front during WWI and a Science classroom where 4th year pupils were learning rural skills with teacher Dr Jen Ross.

HRH was then escorted into the Assembly Room where she spent time talking to a number of school groups, including  a group of pupils who have successfully completed the Alladale Challenge, a group undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Awards, boys and girls involved with Columba 1400 which the Princess is Patron of, sports achievers including the Senior Scottish School Girls Javelin Champion, Anna Giongrandi, pupils from Room 18 – the school’s social enterprise project and young people involved with the school’s link with Malawi.  Music during the visit was performed by Gizzen Briggs who played for HRH The Queen at the official opening of the Scottish Parliament. 

HRH The Princess Royal then took to the stage to look at a specially compiled photographic exhibition highlighting the 200 year history of the school that has been compiled by former members of staff David and Heather MacAllister and to admire the original charter document signed by King George.  Then, in front of the whole school Head Teacher Donnie MacLeod thanked The Princess Royal for making the school’s  , Bi-centenary such a memorable occasion and invited her to unveil the replace Charter document.

She was then presented with a bouquet and a specially commissioned piece of Tain Silver jewellery by School Captains Lana Hurren and Neil Gordon.

Before departing HRH The Princess Royal thanked the pupils and staff for inviting her to share their celebrations and said that she had enjoyed having the chance to meet pupils and find out about the interesting projects and activities that take place. Her parting words gave encouragement to all the pupils to make the most of all the opportunities open to them during their school years.

10 Sep 2009