New sports facilities for Inverness West

An Inverness school and local community now have two multi-use games areas available for outdoor sports activities which were developed at a cost of £160,000.

The first pitch which was completed last year with a tarred surface is suitable for most sports but especially football training and basketball. A second artificial surfaced pitch was completed this summer. Its artificial surface is particularly suited for playing hockey on.

The games areas which are located at Charleston Academy were funded by Forward Scotland, The Scottish Football Association, Charleston Academy’s School of Ambition Funding, Inverness Common Good Fund and The Highland Council’s Inverness West Ward Members’ discretionary budgets.

Highland Councillors for Inverness West welcomed the completion of the games areas projects.

Councillor Alex Graham said: “The new facilities will cater for school pupils and the public, and enhance both the Community Complex and the school."

Councillor Pauline Munro said: “This is very welcome and I hope that by adding the condition that the games areas will be available for community use outwith school hours will mean that local sports teams and other groups will make use of this excellent facility."

Councillor Alasdair Christie added:  “These sports facilities are an extremely welcome addition for people in our area. I know that the whole community together with the school make full use of them.”

Charleston Academy Head Teacher Calum MacSween said: “The games areas are used by the Academy on school days but are available for public use in the evenings, weekends and holidays. They are an excellent improvement to the facilities available for school and public use at Charleston.”

Public bookings outwith school hours can be made via Charleston Academy Community Complex on tel: 01463 220128.

16 Sep 2009