Garden Centre Owner is Top Young Entrepreneur

Katrina McDowell, founder of The Old Orchard Gardens, Lochaline has been named Highland’s top young entrepreneur after winning the 2009 Princes Scottish Youth Business Trust (PSYBT) Awards.

Katrina, aged 26, was born in Belfast.  After attending Dundee University, where she obtained an HNC in nursing, she moved to Ardnamurchan first working for a boat charter firm and then the Clydesdale Bank.  Following the birth of her son she decided to give self employment a try and started her business in May 2008 with the assistance of the PSYBT.

The Old Orchard Garden Centre is situated in the centre of the village and provides fresh vegetables, shrubs, trees, plants and gardening supplies to customers throughout the Ardnamurchan peninsula and beyond.

Katrina was presented with her certificate and a cheque for £1,000 at a special ceremony held earlier today at Inverness Town House.  Guests were entertained prior to the start of the event by harp music played by runners up, Fraya Thomsen and Gillian Fleetwood also from Lochaber who perform under their business name of The Duplets.

Also presented with a special award was PSYBT Volunteer Bob Dalgarno.  Bob is a Director of Dalgarno Sub Shops and manages five Subway franchises in Highland and Moray.  He uses his wealth of experience and skills to help and guide young people setting up their own businesses.

The final presentation of the day was made to David Knight who has been PSYBT Regional Manager in the Highlands and Islands for 17 years.  David is now based in Bonar Bridge as the Regional Development Officer with Business Gateway, Sutherland.  His former colleagues and associates wished him well in his new role and thanked him for all his support over many years.  Alithea Watson has taken over the role as PSYBT Regional Co-ordinator.

Speaking at the ceremony she said:  “To recognise and celebrate the success of talented young people who are making a positive contribution to their local community is a privilege for all of us involved.  I am sure Katrina, Fraya and Gillian will have long and successful careers ahead of them as they have already shown their commitment and determination. I hope they in turn will inspire other young people to have the confidence to take the first steps to set up a business and work for themselves.”

PSYBT was launched in January 1989 and is a national organisation with offices in 18 regions across Scotland. To date 11,000 young people have been given assistance to start almost 9,000 businesses and £31.7 million has been invested into new ventures in the form of loans and grants.

In Highland the PSYBT is supported by The Highland Council and Highland Opportunity Ltd.  Councillor Helen Carmichael, Chair of Highland Opportunity Ltd congratulated the three finalists and wished Katrina well in the final.  She said:  “I am delighted to see such young, enthusiastic people going into business.  The practical and professional support they receive from PSYBT helps provide a degree of confidence at a time of high risk.  Having expert advice from people who themselves have taken the leap into the world of running their own business gives excellent encouragement and this is why PSYBT’s volunteer and mentoring scheme is such a success.  I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the work of all the volunteers involved, thank them for their very valuable contribution and pass on my congratulations to Bob on his well deserved award.”


16 Sep 2009