Budget Leader Responds to Scottish Government Public Spending Announcement

The Highland Council’s Budget Leader Councillor David Alston said the curbs on public spending announced today Thursday) by the Scottish Government were anticipated and the Council was already planning ahead three years to meet the reduced funding. 

Based on a number of assumptions governing grant settlement, inflation and pay awards, Councillor Alston estimated savings targets over this three year period could be in the region of £50 million - £60 million.  

Services, he said, had been asked to come forward with savings proposals on Service budgets of 5% in 2010/11 and 6% in both 2011/12 and 2012/13.

He said: “The Council has in place plans to identify and deliver a programme of savings over the years ahead, and these include a range of reviews into major expenditure.

“The Trade Unions were briefed on the situation and we are committed to working closely with them and keeping all staff informed of developments.
Good planning and the co-operation of staff will be important as we meet this significant challenge of bridging the budget gap.” 


17 Sep 2009