Young Highlanders encouraged to eat healthy snacks

Guidance on healthy snacks created by The Highland Council and NHS Highland is being provided in all school communities throughout the Highlands to help support the Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007.

The guidance in the form of information sheets is being widely distributed to ensure that school snacks provided in schools are compliant with Nutritional Regulations 2008.

Pupil packed lunches are also being targeted by the Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service as they hope to extend the reach of the Act further by promoting healthy packed lunches.

As part of the ‘Your choice to Healthy Living’ approach The Highland Council and NHS Highland, have developed three sets of guidance to support school communities to ensure they can meet with the Nutritional Requirements, and ensure a whole school consistent approach.

The guidance covers: school snacks; celebrations, special events, school trips and rewards; and healthier home baking.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am totally supportive of this holistic approach to healthy eating for our young people in Highland schools. Providing healthy eating options is not just confined to within the school dinner hall or canteen. We must ensure that our young people have the best possible start in life where they have healthy eating options as much as possible within their lifetime at school.”

Health Promoting Schools Manager Louise Jones said:  “The guidance for school snacks was designed to provide extra clarity and practical suggestions for mid-morning break in both primary and secondary schools, rather than provide a list of what ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ be sold, the suggestions can be applicable to any school based on their local suppliers.

She added: “Guidance for celebrations, special events, school trips and rewards is aimed at providing school communities with information that would help them to ensure a consistent approach by following similar principles of the School Act at social and cultural events. Finally for healthier home baking the guidance provides a practical recipe for schools communities, cooks, caterers and pupils about how to improve the nutritional value of home baking.”

All schools and partner agencies will receive sets of the guidance and support to schools is provided through a team of Health Promoting Schools Officers.  Effectiveness of the guidance will be measured through ongoing dialogue with School Nutrition Action Groups (SNAGs) and is reported to the Your Choice to Healthy Living - Health Action Group.

17 Sep 2009