Major Consultation Planned Over Community Council Review

The first phase of a major review of Community Council arrangements in Highland, focusing on boundaries, gets under way on Monday 21 September. Stage one of the consultation process will invite suggestions on the area and composition of Community Councils. This will last until 23 December. The proposed areas for Community Councils will be included in a report which will be presented to the Highland Council in February 2010.

Many Community Council boundaries were set more than 30 years ago. Community Council (and members of the public who wish to participate in this process) are invited to consider whether these boundaries are still meaningful as they stand, or whether changes in such things as population and settlement patterns should be reflected in altered boundaries. There may also be an opportunity to realign Community Council boundaries with other divisions, such as Polling Districts.
Highland Council members, at their local Ward Business Meetings, will have an opportunity to comment separately, and they will also be sounded out on any other comments which are received.
The second 12-week period of public consultation will follow in April 2010, after the Council has produced a new Highland-wide draft scheme. This will include discussion at Ward Forums.

A third period of consultation will follow in October, next year, when the public is invited to comment on amendments to the draft scheme.

Convener Councillor Sandy Park said: “This is a significant review of current Community Councils. Community Councils can be assured that they will be consulted all along the way to ensure we produce a streamlined and effective set of new arrangements.”

The Council currently provides 150 Community Councils in Highland with annual funding of £208,951.

Maps of the current boundaries of Community Councils are available here (PDF). They are also available for inspection in Council libraries and Service Points.

Emails should be sent to Written submissions should be sent to CC Review, Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.

18 Sep 2009