Plans lodged for Highland's first sustainable school

The £2.4 million replacement of Acharacle Primary School, Ardnamurchan, is an important step in the Council’s commitment to a 21st Century Schools’ Programme, which includes potential investment in the school estate of approximately £200 million over the next five years through both traditional procurement and Public Private Partnership.

The pilot scheme emphasises sustainability with respect to the building, the community and economics of the area. The design is the result of wide consultation between the community, pupils and the Education Culture and Sport Service, which has enabled their agent, Gaia Architects, to develop a scheme that concentrates on a healthy, naturally-ventilated building that maximises energy efficiency and the use of local materials, whilst ensuring that it blends with its surroundings.

The project should be complete in spring/early summer 2007.

Council Vice-Convener Councillor, Michael Foxley, who is also the local councillor for Ardnamurchan and Morvern, said that it was great to see the plans lodged.

He said: "The local community, school board and I have campaigned for 20 years to have a new school built in Acharacle – which includes the catchments of now closed schools at Glenborrodale and Mingarry. We identified the site and have negotiated a long lease with the Church of Scotland for new playing fields on the Glebe. The building will be an exemplar for a sustainable and a healthy school. We are all looking forward to the site works starting soon."

8 May 2006