Bridge replacement at Craggie Bridge, near Inverness

The Highland Council is spending £130,000 on the replacement of the deck of Craggie Bridge, which is situated on the C 1056 Craggie – Daviot Station – Dalroy – Galcantray – Budgate road near Inverness.

The replacement is required because of corrosion in the existing steel lattice deck, which has required the imposition in recent times of a weight restriction of 7.5 tonnes.

The replacement of the deck will allow for full ‘construction and use’ traffic (up to 44 tonnes).

A temporary pedestrian footbridge is being built this week in readiness for  work on the deck replacement commencing on Monday 19 April.

From this date, vehicles will not be able to use that length of the C1056 carried by the bridge.  Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained at all times

An alternative route for vehicles will be available using the C1056 Craggie – Daviot Station – Dalroy – Galcantray – Budgate Road, the unclassified Blacktown – Nairnside Bridge – Castletown road and the B851 Errogie – Strathnairn – Daviot Bridge – Culloden Moor Road.

Work is being carried out for The Highland Council by UBC Group Ltd. 

12 Apr 2010