Highland Council working with the PDSA to ensure healthy dogs message

For three days this month the PDSA (Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals) caravan will be touring the Highlands offering free health checks and advice about keeping pets healthy.

Officers from the Council’s TEC services will also attending to highlight the seriousness of dog fouling.  They will be explaining the responsibility of dog owners to “Bag it and Bin it” as part of a campaign to get dog owners to clean up after their dog has fouled.

The PDSA will also be offering a micro chipping service to make it easier to identify any stray dog so owners are recommended to take their dogs along to the one of the three locations.

The locations are :-

• Wednesday 28th April  at Tesco Car Park , Mart Road , Dingwall from 10- 5pm;

• Thursday 29th Aprilat the Rugby Club Car Park , Bught Road, Inverness from 9.30-4pm;

• Friday 30th April,  An Aird car park, Fort William from 10am-5pm

Chairman of TEC Services, Councillor John Laing said:  “The Highland Council commends the work of the PDSA and we would encourage as many people as possible to bring their dogs along on these dates.”

19 Apr 2010