Inverness club bowled over

The 2010 outdoor season at Inverness Bowling Club will get off to a smooth start thanks to support from the Common Good Fund and the Inverness West Ward Discretionary Fund.

The Club, established in 1874, has been busy fund raising and with and additional  £3,393 from the Common Good Fund and £1,000 from the Ward Councillors, members have been able to purchase a high precision green cutting mower with turf grooming attachments.  This new machine will provide the club with a superior green playing surface that all bowlers will be able to appreciate and will also make maintenance over the winter months easier.

Currently there are 78 adults and 3 junior members who regularly play at the Club but from April to September the Club also hosts internal and external competitions and other clubs and associations can make use of the green.

Club Secretary Roddy Mitchell who is also the Scottish Bowling Association Director and Councillor for the North of Scotland, said:  “We are really delighted to be able to purchase the new equipment.  The improvements to our green will not only benefit regular club users but also the wider community and visiting teams from across the country. On behalf of everyone at the Club I would like to thank Highland Council for their support. If we had left things as they were the green would have deteriorated making play difficult but now we have ensured the clubs future.”

Provost Jimmy Gray was invited to open the 2010 season at a ceremony held on Saturday (17 April) which was attended by distinguished members of Scotland’s Bowling Association.  He said:  “Inverness Bowling Club has played an important role in the history of Inverness since it came into existence in 1874.  I am delighted that funding has enabled them to improve the maintenance and management of the green and I am sure the excellent facilities will be enjoyed by lots of people for many years to come.  I would like to wish the Club a very successful season and all the best for the future.”

Inverness Bowling Club was originally situated at Bellfield Park before purchasing land on Bishop’s Road in May 1882.  The Club joined the Scottish Bowling Association in September 1992 and hosts open competitions and touring teams as well as Hamilton Trophy Matches.  The highlight of the 2010 season will be a special Open Week which will take place at the Club in August.

19 Apr 2010