HMIE report on Nairn Academy

During the HMIe follow through visit to Nairn Academy, the inspectors noted the following particular strengths of the school:-

• The improved school ethos;

• Staff teamwork and growing attention to school self-evaluation and improvement;

• The strong start made by the new head teacher in leading the school forward.

The visit involved interviews with senior staff, teaching staff, pupils , chair of the Parent Council as well as visits to classes.  It was noted that the improvements to accommodation have enhanced the learning environment.  The classroom atmosphere continues to be positive with staff interacting well with pupils.  Pupils were described as motivated and hard working.

The inspectors agreed with senior management on a number of areas for improvement within the school.  These included –

• Ensure consistency in the school’s learning and teaching policy incorporating tracking pupil progress

• Promoted staff taking a more effective role in monitoring learning and teaching

• Increasing attainment in certain subject areas

Julie Macdonald, head teacher, said “ I am delighted that the report recognises the ongoing commitment of staff, pupils and parents to continually improve the educational provision at Nairn Academy.”

4 Jan 2010