HMIe Inspection of Kinlochleven High School

Pupils and staff at Kinlochleven High School received high praise in a report published by HMIe. 

Inspectors found that the particular strengths of the school were the quality of young people’s learning experiences and achievement, the very positive relationships in the school community, the work done by staff to improve their practice and support young people’s learning, and  the high-quality leadership by the headteacher with the support of the depute headteacher and principal teachers.

HMIe found that almost all the young people at the school are well motivated, have positive attitudes and engage fully in their learning.  Some individual young people and groups achieve very highly, particularly in sport.  Attainment of S4 is above national averages and young people continue to attain highly in S5 and S6.

HMIE also concluded that the staff of the school know the young people well and give them effective support, involving pupils in agreeing what they do next.   Particular strengths were noted in support for young people with dyslexia and for those who might leave school without a clear positive destination.  HMIE judged the support from staff in these areas as outstanding.

HMIE also praised the school’s strong links with the community.

The Inspectors recommended further improvements in ensuring young people are more involved in improving their own learning, and in monitor the progress of young people.    They expressed confidence in the school’s capacity to improve and will make no further visits in connection with this inspection.

John McGilp, Head Teacher said: “I am thoroughly delighted that HMIe have recognised the great work undertaken in the South Lochaber community not only by members of staff within the High School, but also by our partner agencies such as Highland Council Community Learning and Leisure, Social Work and NHS Highland.  The report is  something we should be really proud of! Kinlochleven High School is a fantastic place to learn (and work) with the new building, fantastic staff, great resources and an excellent bunch of pupils to work with. With this all in mind the result of the inspection is not a great surprise! The pupils in the South Lochaber area are very lucky to come here and receive such a high quality education, both academically and socially. I would like to thank all my staff, but in particular my Depute Bob Shepherd, for their support and hard work.”

Jonathan Baxter, Chairperson of the Parent Council said: “The Parent Council is extremely proud of the teaching staff, support staff and pupils at the school in gaining such a rare assessment.  Having joined several chats with the inspectors, a clear picture came across of a well motivated school with an ambition to improve all aspects and a willingness to create many opportunities for the pupils to gain experience. Well done to all those associated with the school. And thank you.”

A detailed account of the report can be found at:

20 Apr 2010