Youngsters have whale of a time with countryside rangers

A group of local and visiting children recently joined Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers at Dunnet Bay in Caithness to help build a life size sand sculpture of a minke whale.

Paul Castle, Highland Council’s North Sutherland and North Caithness Countryside Ranger said: “Over a dozen children grabbed their buckets and spades and set to work having great fun building the sculpture of our most common whale species. After the hard spade work was finished the final details were added such as the eyes, dorsal fin, blow holes and even the distinctive white bands on the flippers.”

The children and their accompanying adults had a great time and they also learned a little about the minke whale with help from the countryside rangers.

Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers run many events and guided walks which aim to help raise awareness and encourage appreciation of the scenery, wildlife and heritage of the Highlands. This wide range of events and activities is aimed at local communities and visitors alike.

2 Aug 2010