Tribute to Nairn depute head teacher

Hugh Fraser, The Highland Council’s Director of Education Culture and Sport has paid tribute to Mrs Caroline Johnston, depute head teacher at Rosebank Primary School, Nairn, who died as the result of a horse riding accident on Monday (2 August 2010).

He said: “We are all shocked by this tragic accident.  Our sincere condolences go to her family and all those who knew and worked with Caroline. She was a first class teacher, who was popular with her staff and pupils.  She will be sorely missed.”

Mrs Johnston began her employment with The Highland Council in 1997 at Central Primary School, Inverness.  She moved to Cradlehall Primary in 2003/2004 and was appointed depute head teacher at Rosebank Primary, Nairn, in 2004. She was seconded to acting headships at Ardersier Primary in 2006 and Kingussie Primary in 2009. Caroline was currently depute head teacher at Rosebank Primary School in Nairn.

3 Aug 2010