Tribute paid to outgoing Director of Social Work Services

Tributes were paid today (Wednesday 4 August 2010) to Harriet Dempster, who retires later this month after 36 years in social work and 11 years at the helm of The Highland Council’s Director of Social Work Services.

Ms Dempster received plaudits at the start of her final meeting of the Housing and Social Work Committee.

During her career, Ms Dempster has worked as a practitioner, researcher, lecturer and in policy posts. In 1992 she was seconded to the Scottish Office as Assistant Chief Inspector of Child Care and whilst there advised on the follow up to the Orkney Inquiry and the Children Scotland Bill team.

In 1995, she returned to local government to take up post as Manager of Children's Services with Dundee City Council.  Harriet was appointed as an Honorary Professor at The University of Stirling in 1997 and Director of Social Work with The Highland Council in 1999.  Between 1997 and 2000 she chaired the Association of Directors of Social Work Children & Families Committee.

Her long and significant career was recognised by the Association of Directors of Social Work, who elected her as President for 2009/10.  In that role, she  played a key role in social work across the country, and with the Scottish Government.

She is also chairman of the Highland Child Protection Committee.

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of the Housing and Social Work Committee, said: “Harriet has given The Highland Council great service since arriving in 1999. She has been an excellent public servant, who is recognised throughout Scotland for her contribution to social work services. She has also been a wonderful support to me over the years. I wish her all the best for the future.”

Convener Councillor Sandy Park echoed Councillor Davidson’s praise for Ms Dempster’s service to the council

He said:  “Harriet provided the Council with the leadership we needed when she arrived in Highland and her contribution over the years has been hugely beneficial. In recent times, she has overseen a number of excellent external audits on child protection, our residential homes, fostering and adoption and Getting it Right for Every Child and we are grateful to her for her contribution at a local and national level.”

Last month, the Council appointed Bill Alexander, currently chief operating officer, as its new Director of Social Work. He takes over on 1 September.


4 Aug 2010