Highland Council to consider delivery of community learning and leisure services by arms length organisation

Members of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service have agreed to the principle of setting up an arms length organisation to deliver the local authority’s community learning and leisure services.

A project board will be established to monitor the progress of setting up an arms length organisation. The project board will comprise the Council’s Chief Executive, Depute and Assistant Chief Executives, Director of Education, Culture and Sport and Director of Housing and Property Services.

Further reports, including the detailed business case will be brought to future Council meetings.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Service said: “We are taking into account what the public has said at the recent series of budget consultation meetings throughout the Highlands. People don’t want to lose their local community learning and leisure services – but the Council still has to find major savings in its budgets over the coming years.

“No decision has been taken today to move to an arms length organisation. The principle of setting up such an organisation will be explored and we will consider the details over the coming months as one of the options mitigating the budgetary pressures facing us.”

5 Aug 2010