Changing community care in Badenoch and Strathspey

Members of the public are being invited to have their say on community care and the development of the Joint Community Care Plan at a meeting of The Highland Council’s Badenoch and Strathspey Ward Forum on Wednesday 18 August.

Current feedback about the ongoing Joint Community Care Plan consultation will be provided by Janet Spence, Highland Council’s Social Work Programme Manager and Sheena Munro, Chief Executive of Highland Community Care Forum.

The forum will be held at Talla Nan Ros, King Street, Kingussie and run from 7-9 pm.

Discussions will take place on a number of key components emerging from the plan consultations and on how maximise the ability of people and communities to support themselves and each other.

Janet Spence said: “Community care is about how we support adults who need extra help to live their day-to-day lives. We want to make sure our plans for community care reflect what matters most to people so we want to hear local views and opinions.”

Following the discussion there will be a question and answer session.   

Anyone who requires transport (car share) to attend the meeting can call Badenoch and Strathspey Community Transport Company 01479 810004. 

For further information or to lodge questions - up to 3 days prior to the meeting - please contact: Sue Palmer, Highland Council, Ward Manager tel: 01540 664537 Mob: 07901 560523.

11 Aug 2010