Moving forward with development planning in Highland

The public is being invited to have their say on the Highland-wide plan that will govern future developments in the Highlands, from the siting of major wind farms and industry to a new community along the A 96 corridor between Inverness and Nairn.

A 10-week public consultation on the Highland wide Local Development Plan will run between September and November.

Over the past year the Planning and Development Service has been working closely with other key public agencies, the development industry, statutory consultees and the general public to move from the Main Issues Report to the Proposed Plan. The Proposed Plan represents the Council’s view on what they would like to see adopted as the new land use framework for the area as a whole. Once adopted, the Highland wide Local Development Plan will replace the Highland Structure Plan approved in 2001 and update the existing local plans across the region.

The Highland Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee today (Wednesday) approved the plan, which will be available for public consultation.

Councillor Ian Ross, Chairman of Planning, Environment and Development Committee said, “The Proposed Plan is the Big Picture for planning in the Highlands. It is about showing ambition and creating both community and economic development opportunities for the Highland Council Area as a whole.

“It will bring forward a consistent approach to planning policy and identify important opportunities for growth in Highland. The preparation of this plan to date has clearly demonstrated the benefits of working in partnership with a range of groups and individuals. Everyone will have their chance to have a say on its content as part of a public consultation starting early September. Following the consultation if there are any issues which have not been resolved then they will be considered by an independent Scottish Government reporter.”

11 Aug 2010