Rose Street Car Park update

An analysis of the bank notes collected yesterday from the new pay on exit scheme at Rose Street Car Park in Inverness has revealed that the new pay on exit system is accepting almost as many Scottish pound notes as it is English pound notes.

The Council acknowledges that the new system, introduced on Tuesday 3 August, does not recognise every Scottish note and is in discussion with the supplier to rectify this.

But a check on the monies received yesterday showed that there were 16 Scottish notes accepted by the machine compared to 18 English notes.

A spokesman for the Council said: “The evidence is that the machines are accepting most if not all Scottish bank notes.  We will work with the supplier to ensure the machines accept all notes.

“It should be stressed, however, that if the notes are ripped, have bits missing, edges folded over or defaced they will be rejected no matter where they are from.”

The audit of yesterday’s takings were as follows:-


11 Aug 2010