Euro funding bid for lifeline road project

The Highland Council is seeking Euro funding to proceed with three lifeline road projects.

They are the: -

• A890 Strathcarron to Balnacra, West Ross
• A861 Drynie Hill, north of Acharacle, Ardnamurchan
• A838 North approach to Laxford Bridge, North-West Sutherland

The Council’s capital programme has allocated £750,000 each year against lifeline roads in each of the next three years, and this is based on attracting grant from the European Regional Development Fund.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of the Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee, said: “This project improves the only effective means of access to remote rural and fragile communities of the west and north Highlands and will bring immense benefits to both locals and visitors alike. These areas have suffered from lack of parity with other areas of the Highlands for many long years in consequence of their poor quality access. This investment will help redress this imbalance and contribute to social inclusion and support sustainability in these peripheral and fragile areas served by these lifeline roads.”

12 Aug 2010