Council gets a scent of success with wildflower roundabouts project

A biodiversity project on Inverness roundabouts is continuing to prove a blooming success while providing a sponsorship income to The Highland Council to assist with maintenance.

Over the last month Highland Council has received a number of compliments from people about the roundabouts;

Local resident Jenny Mayhew expressed: “A big thank you to all concerned in the delicious planting of annuals on roundabouts on the Distributor Road, very pretty indeed and cost minimal, just the job.”

The roundabouts have also been described as ‘looking fantastic’ and ‘very nice indeed’ and the Council has had a number of people enquiring where they can buy the seeds.

Provost of Inverness Councillor Jimmy Gray said: “The roundabouts are spectacular and the planting of Scottish wildflowers has been a great success not just providing a great splash of colour but also lots of food for pollinating insects such as butterflies, moths and bees.”

Anne Murray from Scottish Natural Heritage is also delighted as the roundabouts initiative contributes to the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 and the Scottish Governments 'Do a little, Change a Lot' environmental campaign.

The four Highland councillors for Inverness South Ward have enjoyed the display of wild flowers and agreed that:  “Of course we think the flowers look bloomin’ marvellous! But if there are any experts out there who can suggest how we might get something to put in the mix so that we get some colour earlier in the year – we’d like to hear from them.”

The roundabouts are available to sponsor and a number of local businesses have already taken up the opportunity.  There are still a couple of roundabouts which are currently available and if anyone is interested they should contact Highland Council’s Community Works Manager, Debbie Maguire on 01463 703110.  More information is also available on the Council website.

16 Aug 2010