Highland schools return to school today

More than 31,000 pupils go back to school in the Highlands today (Tuesday 17 August).

Some will be returning to schools which have been upgraded over the summer holidays and others will benefit from major projects which will begin during the school session.

New classroom units have been provided at Roy Bridge Primary, Lochaber, Inverness Gaelic Medium Primary School and Teanassie Primary School, while work on a new classroom unit is nearing completion at Millbank Primary School, Nairn,

A new Gaelic Medium Unit opens today (Tuesday) at Glen Urquhart Primary School.

Schools in line for a major facelift during the session are Farr Primary School, and Aldourie Primary School, both near Inverness. 

Work continues on the construction of Milton of Leys Primary School,  Inverness and major improvements to Lochaber High School and Plockton High School.  

Further major works will commence during the session on new primary schools at Aviemore,  Conon Bridge/Maryburgh and Lochaline (Ardnamurchan) as well as a new school hostel at Ullapool and upgrades, via new classroom units on Skye at Kilmuir Primary and MacDiarmid Primary.


17 Aug 2010