Temporary overnight closure of city road

King Duncan's Road in Inverness will be closed overnight on Wednesday (25th August) from 7.30pm to 6am to allow for re-surfacing work to take place.  Drivers are warned that there will also be temporary traffic signals and possible delays during preparatory work which will take place overnight on both Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th August, again between 7.30pm and 6am.

During the evening of the complete closure, a signed diversion will be in place.  This diversion will make use of a pathway between Raigmore Avenue and Raigmore Primary School.  Because of the narrow width of the track it will be controlled by temporary traffic signals, and as it is mainly used by pedestrians, cyclists, dog walkers and the like, a 10mph speed limit will be in place.  Drivers are asked to use caution and stick to this speed limit.

Ennstone Thistle will be carrying out this essential work on behalf of The Highland Council.

King Duncan’s Road is the only public road leading to Raigmore Housing Estate and, although everything has been done to minimise disruption, the Council apologise for any inconvenience. 

19 Aug 2010