HMIe Report on Strathconon Primary School

Strathconon Primary School has received a positive inspection from HMIe , in which the following key strengths were identified:-

• Caring and motivated children who are supportive of each other;
• High-quality learning experiences including learning outdoors;
• Teamwork of all staff in providing a positive climate for learning; and
• Effective partnerships with parents and the local community. 

In this report, the Inspectors stated that all staff have high expectations of children’s attendance, behaviour and achievement and that the school has created a safe and caring ethos in which all children are encouraged to try their best. 

They reported that children are making good progress in reading, listening, talking and mathematics and that children and teachers use technology well to support learning, including an interactive whiteboard.

Inspectors commented upon how staff provide children with very good opportunities to learn outdoors, including growing their own vegetables and how they use the    well-developed school grounds and visitors to the school to enhance children’s learning.  They also commented on how children feel that the school is helping them to become more confident and that parents are very positive about the school.

They stated the head teacher, Aileen MacQueen, has a clear vision for the school and has shared this successfully with the school community and that she is ably supported by a strong staff team.  

Commenting on the report Ms MacQueen said: “I am extremely pleased with this report. The progress that the school is making is entirely down to the hard work of all the pupils, staff and parents, and I am delighted that the report reflects this level of commitment. We look forward to continuing to develop our school within the new Curriculum for Excellence.”

Rebecca Waldron, Chairperson of Strathconon Parent Council, said: “The Parent Council are delighted that the report reflects and recognises the hard work and dedication of the Head Teacher, staff and pupils of Strathconon Primary School. Our congratulations go out to them all.”

24 Aug 2010