HMIe Inspection of Newmore Primary School

As part of the inspectorate’s ongoing strategy for evaluating the educational provision of local authorities, a report is issued today on the inspection by HMIe of the quality of education at Newmore Primary School.  The report is based on an inspection visit which was carried out in May 2010 and comments on the quality of education at Newmore Primary.

In the report HMIe highlighted as strengths the polite and well behaved children who were proud of their school and their achievements, the welcoming ethos, positive relationships and the high standard of pastoral care that existed within the school and the commitment of all staff to improving the work of the school.

Throughout the school children are motivated and keen to learn, they work hard to please their teachers and are aware of their strengths as learners and what they need to do to improve.  Children at the upper stages respond very well to being given responsibility for their own learning and all children are developing their social responsibility through working on the Eco committee and undertaking fundraising events.  Children have well developed skills in art, drama and music.  These are enhanced by workshops from visiting specialists such as Feis Ross and music.

The school has maintained good standards in listening, talking, reading, writing and mathematics.  Attainment in writing has shown pleasing improvement over the last few years.  Most children are attaining expected national levels.  A number of children could achieve these sooner. Across the school, children speak confidently and listen well.  Children read well for enjoyment and in mathematics their skills in problem solving are developing well at the early and upper stages.
 The school is making a good start to implementing aspects of Curriculum for Excellence.  Information and communications technology is used effectively and all children benefit from two hours of good quality physical education each week.  The school works well with a range of nurseries to ensure progression in learning.  Links with the local secondary school are well developed.

The inspectors noted that staff work hard to involve parents and that the Parent Council are pleased with the ways in which the school communicates with them.  Parents are encouraged to support their children’s learning by attending events at various times throughout the year.  All staff have very positive relationships with children.  They show care and concern for children’s wellbeing.  Staff promote equality and fairness and have very high expectations of children’s behaviour.

As in all reports, HMIe suggest ways in which the school might sustain its agenda for school improvement and identified that the school needs to continue to improve the curriculum through the implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence and to ensure that all children make appropriate progress in their learning.

In response to the report the Chairperson of the Parent Council, Catherine Richmond said: “The parents of children attending Newmore school are very aware of the excellent education at the school and the children enjoy their rural schooling. It is pleasing to note that the HMIe report acknowledges the commitment and dedication of the staff at Newmore Primary School who deliver high quality education alongside implementing Curriculum for Excellence for all pupils.”

HMIe recognised that the head teacher, Morag Wright, has a clear focus on improving learning and teaching.  Morag said:”I am delighted that the hard work and commitment of all staff has been recognized and take a great pride in the caring and welcoming ethos of Newmore primary which is enhanced by positive parental involvement”

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “This is a good inspection report for Newmore Primary, many strengths are noted as well as some areas for further improvement to work on.  HMIe are confident that the school is delivering a good quality education for it’s children and has the capacity to continue to improve, well done to all involved.”

24 Aug 2010