New rector of Wick High School appointed

A new rector for the 756-pupil Wick High School was appointed today (Tuesday).

He is Mr Thomas McIntyre, deputy head teacher at Ladymead Community School Technology College, Taunton, Somerset.

Mr McIntyre was one of seven candidates interviewed for the post.

He began his teaching career at Campbeltown Grammar School and became the principal teacher of technical studies there before moving to an advisory post with Argyll and Bute District Council.

He returned to Campbeltown Grammar and then moved to England to take up senior teaching posts in Cumbria and Lancashire before joining the senior management team at Ladymead Community School.

Mr McIntyre, who is married with one daughter and two grandchildren, said: “I am really looking forward to this new challenge.”

He hopes to begin his new job before the end of this year.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee, welcomed the appointment.

He said: “These are exciting times for Wick High School, with the promise of a new community school building in the pipeline.  Mr McIntrye has the experience in school management and the vision to take the school forward in a very positive way.”

31 Aug 2010