Operation Respect - Keeping Inverness Safe over the Festive Period

Partners have joined today (03 December 2010) to launch Operation Respect, the initiative aimed at keeping the streets of Inverness safer over the festive period.

The operation which officially starts today will see increased police officer patrols, taxi marshals, security task team and street pastors working together to see a reduction in crime and disorder in the city centre streets during December. This is another successful project delivered by the Inverness Partnership.

Not only that, in conjunction with Stagecoach, the operation will be providing a low-cost Night Bus service starting tonight (03 December 2010) running from 23:30 hours until 04:00 hours every Friday and Saturday in December (apart from Christmas and New Year's Day evenings) to Culloden and Balloch, Kinmylies and Hilton.

The operation, which in it's third year, centres around keeping the city and those within safe over the festive period especially when there is an increase of people coming into the area for the Winter Festival events as well as to access the businesses in the vicinity.

A number of businesses and organisations are involved in the preparation for Operation Respect including, Highland Council, Crimestoppers, Inverness Crime Prevention Panel (ICPP), Inverness Business Improvement District (BID), Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA), Inverness Taxi Association, Pubwatch, Street Pastors and Northern Constabulary.

Leading on Operation Respect from Northern Constabulary, Inspector Murdo MacLeod talked of the police involvement: "We have increased and targeted officer patrols with the primary aim to deter crime but if not, to detect.

"The operation was very successful last year and the combined presence of all those involved gave a noticeably more pleasant atmosphere to the city centre.

"I would also like to stress the personal responsibility of the public during this time and by doing simple things such as planning your journeys, looking after your friends, and drinking responsibly, you can ensure a safe, enjoyable time in the Highland's capital."

Operation Respect is not just centred around safety in the evenings, and with the use of the Shopwatch scheme, the partnership aims to improve personal safety for shoppers and shop owners during the day and with Pubwatch, improve that in the evenings.

Chair of Inverness Business Improvement District, Craig Duncan commented: "Inverness BID are proud to take one of the lead roles in Operation Respect and see it as excellent use of our members levy because it goes a long way to providing a safe environment for residents, shoppers, visitors and party-goer's alike and undoubtedly adds value to the festive experience in Inverness City Centre."

Depute Provost, and Highland Licensing Chairman Councillor Peter Corbett said: "Operation Respect is an excellent example of how we can improve people's experience of the city centre and therefore help its vibrancy. The impressive part about the project is the way in which it is getting agencies to work together to deliver improvements that people can see and experience for themselves."

Jim Ferguson, Highland Chair of Crimestoppers and Chair of Inverness Crime Prevention Panel (ICPP) said: "It is great to see what can be achieved when we are all working together with the shared goal of crime reduction. I really hope this year will be as much of a success as last year and see people being able to enjoy the city centre safely."

The operation has seen funding being provided from a number of different sources, one significant one being Safer Streets, a Scotland-wide, Government led funding project to help make city streets safer in the festive period.

Fergus Ewing, Minister for Community Safety, said: "During this very cold winter, I have nothing but the fullest admiration for the street pastors, taxi marshals and other personnel whose presence on our streets has been made possible with Safer Streets money. I welcome their efforts, along with all the other partners associated with Operation Respect, to make nights out during the festive period a safer experience for all.

"Operation Respect has delivered significant benefits in years gone by and I fully expect that to continue this year and beyond."


4 Jan 2011