Public invited to have their say on new Wick High School

A report on the proposal to build a new Wick High School on either the existing Wick High School playing field site or on Bignold Park, Wick is available today (Wed 8 December) for public consultation.

In addition to the site proposals, the report also invites comment on what community facilities should be included within the new school campus.

The report can be accessed on The Highland Council’s web-site via, or paper copies will be available at Wick and Thurso Service Points and  Libraries and the Area Education Culture and Sport Office, Rhind House, Wick.

People with any comments in relation to the consultation report can either e-mail them to:  or write to: Ron MacKenzie, Head of Support Services, Education, Culture and Sport, The Highland Council,  Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.

The comments received will be summarised and made available to elected members who will consider the consultation report at The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee on 13 January 2011.  All comments should be received by end of working hours on 12 January 2011.

8 Dec 2010