Launch of Wester Ross local plan on-line

Computer users can find out what the Local Plan says about any location in Wester Ross at the click of a mouse. It will produce a report showing a map of the area selected, as well as all the Local Plan policies that apply to that particular area.

The interactive plan forms an important part of The Council’s commitment to e-planning. The technology will be used to bring forward other interactive Local Plans in the future. In the meantime, the other Local Plans are still available on the Council web-site in PDF format.

The Council would be interested to receive feedback on how useful the interactive version of the Plan is, and you can e-mail these to

The Local Plan is used to guide decisions on planning applications throughout the area as well as to identify sites for future housing, affordable housing, business, industrial and community development within key settlements.

For further information, please contact Malcolm Macleod on 01463 702506 or Jon Shepherd on 01463 702273.

Note: The Wester Ross Local Plan is currently at "Deposit Draft with Modifications" stage, and it is expected to be fully adopted early in 2006.


8 May 2006