East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum to discuss roads and winter maintenance

The next East Sutherland and Edderton Ward Forum will be held on Tuesday 9 February at 7.30pm in Rogart Hall. The theme of the Forum is Roads and Winter Maintenance and will be addressed by Mr. Campbell Stewart, Area Roads and Community Works Manager.

Councillor Ian Ross, who will be chairing the Forum said: “It has been an exceptional winter with regards to the weather and the demands it has placed on Council staff to keep the roads open and safe. The Forum is an opportunity for members of the public to discuss the Council’s performance in keeping the roads clear and the challenges faced with the clear-up. It will be invaluable to get the community perspective on our performance.”

There will also be a representative from Digital UK to discuss the timetable for switch over to Digital TV.

The Forum is open to anyone who would like to come along and there will be an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions on roads or any other issues they wish to raise.

2 Feb 2010