Inverness public in tune with Highland Hospice

£325 has been presented (on Friday 5 Feb 2010) to the Highland Hospice by members of the Inverness Clarsach Society and Highland Council’s Events Officer.

During the Inverness Winter Festival, members of Inverness Clarsach Society Anna-Mairead Ferguson, Katie Masheter, and Anna Duff played each weekend in the Victorian Market to entertain Christmas shoppers.

Gerry Reynolds, Highland Council Events Officer said: “Although the intention wasn’t to raise funds for charity, the ladies found that as so many people were offering them money that in the end they asked the Hospice for a collection tin. We were absolutely delighted when the money was counted and we discover that they have been given over £300 and we cannot thank everybody who contributed enough for their kindness.”

Anna-Mairead and Katie visited the Hospice to hand over the generous amount donated by shoppers to the Hospice and to play for the residents.

8 Feb 2010