Inverness Traditional Music Project - song workshop

Straight from Celtic Connections - clarsach musician and singer - Katie Mackenzie is offering the opportunity for singers to come and take part in a Scots Song Workshop.

The Scots Song Workshop takes place on Saturday 20 February 2010 from 2-3pm at Millburn Academy, Diriebught Road, Inverness.

Event organiser Margo Maclennan, Highland Council’s Traditional Music Co-ordinator said: “We are delighted that Katie is leading this Scots Song Workshop in Inverness. Katie was nominated for a Sots Trad Music Award in December 2009. Along with Shona Donaldson they produced a new Scots and Gaelic Burns Album called ‘The Lassie’s Reply’.  Katie and Shona had a successful concert at Celtic Connections at the City Halls on Burns night itself.  This followed a number of concerts throughout the festival and other Burns night concerts including one at Burns Cottage in Alloway.”

Advance booking is required for the workshop which costs £4 for adults and £3 adult concessions. To place a booking contact: 01463 663817.

11 Feb 2010