Reprieve for key bus service for Dingwall and Ullapool communities

The positive effect of The Highland Council's Ward Forum system was to the fore in Dingwall on Wednesday 10th February.

Councillors from Ward 9 (Dingwall and Seaforth) met to discuss community concern that Stagecoach intended to withdraw their No 61 service (Inverness to Ullapool) from 12 April 2010.

While recognising that the Citylink 961 service would continue to operate between Inverness and Ullapool, they highlighted the consequences of withdrawal of the No 61 service, with a loss of service to to Strathpeffer and Dingwall and difficulties with ferry connections.

As a result of Council and community concerns,  Stagecoach agreed to a reprieve for the service and to continue running their 61 service, including the Dingwall diversion, whilst monitoring the usage over the spring and summer months.  They said they would then review the commercial viability of retaining the service and would return to discuss the review with the members of the Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum.

Councillor Margaret Paterson, Dingwall and Seaforth, who chaired the meeting said:  “This is a wonderful outcome for the local travelling public."

At the meeting, Kenneth Morrison, Chair of Lochbroom Community Council , said:  "We wholeheartedly welcome Stagecoach's willingness to work with the community to give the service another chance.”

11 Feb 2010