Weather update - Wednesday 6 January 2010

Review of current road conditions:  A number of roads remain closed as a result of heavy snow on Tuesday.  One gritter had to be abandoned near Kinbrace yesterday when the crew got caught in a very deep drift.  A snowblower got through today to free the gritter. Roads closed are listed below.

Forecast projections:  The forecast is for the cold snap to continue for the next week with temperatures, as low as -20% , expected over the weekend.

Salt Supplies:  The Council is expecting a consignment of 3,400 tonnes of salt at Invergordon and a further 2,000 tonnes at Inverness before the weekend. This morning we had a total of 11,200 tonnes in stock, sufficient to keep us going for a week.

Good neighbours: The Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group, of which the council is a member, has issued a statement calling on neighbours to look out for each other, and particularly older and vulnerable people, during the severe weather we are currently experiencing.

Bin collection:  TEC Services report that of the 108,000 households in Highland that receive a bin collection service, the Council was able to provide a service over the recent bad weather to all but 2,000 households.  Just as soon as the Priority 3 and 4 routes are cleared, these households will receive a service.

Schools:  Schools are due to re-open after the festive break on Monday 11 January. TEC Services are working with ECS to allow access to as many schools as is practicable.   A statement will be issued on Friday updating the public on the school front. 

Latest Status of Roads in Northern Constabulary Area:-

B869 Unapool to Lochinver - Closed due to Snow.
B871 Kinbrace to Syre - Closed due to Snow
A939 Grantown to Forres - Closed due to Snow
B885 Struan to Portree - Closed due to Snow
B9007 Carrbridge to Glenferness - Closed due to Snow
A838 at Moine - Closed due to Snow
A984 at Skiag Bridge - Closed due to Snow
Unclassified Kishorn to Applecross - Closed due to Snow

All remaining roads in the Northern Constabulary force area remain open, although many (particularly minor routes) are affected by snow and ice.

4 Jan 2010