Work to start on Dingwall Streetscape Phase 2

The second phase of a £947,000 package of town centre improvements is due to start in Dingwall High Street on February 8th 2010.

The Highland Council has appointed Pat Munro (Alness) Ltd as contractors to implement streetscape works, which will last for approximately eight weeks and will include the area of the High Street from Dingwall Museum to the junction with Tulloch Street. WA Fairhurst & Partners (Inverness) have been appointed by the Council as consulting engineers for the work.

An allocation of £460,000 within The Highland Council Planning and Development Service Capital Programme has enabled additional funding of £462,000 to be secured through the Scottish Government Town Centre Regeneration Fund. In addition to the core streetscape project, other measures will be implemented for the improvement of signage, visitor information and key vennels adjoining the High Street.

A temporary road closure will be in place on Dingwall High Street for the duration of the works with partial vehicular access for residents and deliveries to businesses being maintained in liaison with the contractor. Before works starts, representatives of both Munros and The Highland Council will liaise with those directly affected to ensure adequate vehicle access for residents and for deliveries. Pedestrian access will be maintained to all shops, during trading hours, for the duration of the project.

They will also regularly meet with nominated representatives of community groups in order to deal with any issues arising during works. Contact information will be made widely available to ensure that all High Street users are able raise matters with the right people, so that issues arising can be resolved quickly and effectively.

The Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Councillors are all delighted that work is about to start.  They said:  “We are very pleased that the contract for phase 2 of the project has been awarded to Pat Munro (Alness) Ltd and are looking forward to work starting on Monday 8 February. At the end of this next phase Dingwall will be able to boast an entirely upgraded pedestrian-friendly High Street as well as improved signage and visitor information.  This will make a tremendous difference to the town centre and will certainly make up for any temporary disruption during the work.

“We are pleased how well the Stakeholders group, set up to oversee Phase 1, worked so we hope this successful partnership can continue to ensure any difficulties during the improvements can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.”

Debbie Downie from the Dingwall Business Association said: "Following from the significant improvements to the appearance of the top end of the High Street, we look forward to the completion of the second phase to the same high standard. Munros sucessfully minimised disruption to high street users during the works and we hope this continues. Dingwall will be open for business as usual."

13 Jan 2010