Preparing for the thaw

The Highland Council is preparing to combat the threat of flooding, which may result from the thaw of heavy snow and ice blocking some drains. 

Transport Environmental and Community Services (TECs) staff will be targeting known flooding areas in advance to ensure drains and culvert intakes are kept as clear as possible.  An additional gully emptying machine has already been hired in anticipation of this problem and depot stocks of sandbags are being checked and replenished in readiness.

Over the last few weeks, the Council has spread more than 30,000 tonnes of sand and grit on the roads, in addition to salt.  Whilst the salt will dissolve away, the sand and grit will remain on the road surface when the snow and ice clears. 

Neil Gillies, Director of TEC Services, said: “Some roads are affected by thick deposits of compacted snow and ice which will take a long time to clear, after most of the road has returned to normal.  During the thaw, salt will be washed away so melt water may re freeze causing black ice. Motorists are asked to beware of uneven road surfaces cuased by frost damage, isolated lumps of hard packed ice and formation of black ice. Motorissts are also advised to driver carefully and to keep their speeds down during and after the thaw.  The daily rise and fall in temperatures can result in rapidly changing road conditions.”

SEPA’s Floodline service provides 24 hours advice on flood risk - 0845 988 1188 or

Burst pipes are also a potential problem. If people experience a burst pipe in the home, they should turn off the stop valve immediately and open all cold taps to drain the system. They should not turn on the hot taps as the hot water cylinder may collapse if the pipes leading to it are frozen. If in any doubt householders are urged to call a licensed plumber. Council house tenants should contact the Customer Service Centre on 01349 886606 between 9 am – 5 pm. The out of hours emergency number for housing is 0845 700 2005.

Scottish Water provides advice to customers and details on how to contact a plumber at They also have a customer helpline 0845 601 8855 which people should contact if there is a burst water main.

15 Jan 2010