Go ahead for Skye Windfarm Application

After a site visit, the Committee met in Portree to consider the merits of the proposal by RDC Scotland Ltd to construct 10 wind turbine generators, up to a maximum of 100 metres high, and access tracks on hills lying to the south west of Edinbane and to the north of Feorlig.

While there were no technical objections, members were advised the Council had received almost 300 letters of representation against the proposal, highlighting the visual impact of the development and the impacts upon birds, in particular the golden eagle, both on its own merits and cumulatively with the proposed windfarm at nearby Edinbane.

John Rennilson, Director of Planning and Development, recommended approval of the application subject to a prior legal agreement covering (a) restoration of the site; (b) safeguarding against radio or communications interference and (c) a "wear and tear" agreement to cover any damage to the local road network.

After debate, the Committee voted 13-3 to grant approval, subject to the conditions recommended by the Director.


24 Apr 2006