Public invited to comment on Viewfield open space plans, Nairn

The paper was produced in response to receipt of a number of letters from the public regarding the value of open space at Viewfield and the desire to safeguard it from inappropriate development. It is intended that the wording will provide supplementary planning guidance to the adopted Local Plan in relation to future development control cases prior to a review of the Local Plan, which is likely to start in Autumn 2007.

The Draft Policy Paper sets out the value of the open space at Viewfield, including its importance to the setting of Viewfield House, the types of developments which might be appropriate to enhance the recreational and tourist activities of the area and, in light of national planning guidance, recommends a position that the Area Committee might wish to adopt in relation to any further development proposals at Viewfield.

The Draft Policy Paper is available for inspection at local post offices, the Council’s Service Point in Nairn, the Area Planning and Building Standards Office, Nairn Library and also on the Council’s web-site –

For any queries regarding the Viewfield Draft Policy Paper, the public is invited to contact: Elaine Watt, Planner, The Highland Council Planning and Development Service at e-mail:, telephone 01463 702259.

24 Apr 2006