Calling All Private Landlords In The Highlands

All private landlords in the Highlands are being advised that it will be an offence to let a property after 30 April this year without being registered or having submitted a valid application for registration.

The aim of the Scotland-wide registration scheme, which has been introduced under the Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004, is to ensure that all private landlords are "fit and proper" to be letting residential property.  The requirement will help The Highland Council to remove disreputable landlords from the market and to protect tenants and their neighbours from the impact of anti-social behaviour and mismanaged property.

Registration will be required fpr private landlords letting residential property in Scotland, unless all the houses they let are covered by one or more of the exemptions.  Letting part of the home is exempt (i.e. resident landlords) as is a house let to the tenant of an agricultural holding or croft.  There are some other minor exemptions, including holiday homes or letting to members of the landlords own family.

Application can be done on-line at pr a paper application can be submitted.

Further information on this scheme is available by visiting or from all Highland Council Service Points or by contacting The Highland Council's Licensing Officers on 01463 724298 or 01349 868579

18 Apr 2006