Council welcomes sponsorship for Lochaber boy’s team

Pupils from Lochaber High School’s Senior Boys’ football team recently met BSW Timber to thank them for the generous sponsorship of their team strips.

The £500 donated by BSW Timber was doubled by a grant from Sportscotland’s SPORTSMATCH grant scheme.  This has allowed the school to purchase much needed new footballs and goal nets as well as the strips.

The sponsorship was offered to the senior boys as they finished the Highland league undefeated.  They also represented Lochaber High School in the North of Scotland Cup where they got through to the Quarter Finals, eventually losing 1-0 to Ellon Academy.  

Highland Council’s Active Schools Co-ordinator, Bridget Thomas, who helped with the application process said:  “It’s great that BSW Timber are willing to support the school football team. The SPORTSMATCH funding has allowed their money to go so much further.”

SPORTSMATCH is an award scheme that supports grass roots sport projects that encourage participation at community level, especially youth groups. In Scotland, SPORTSMATCH is funded by the Scottish Government and administered by sportscotland.

SPORTSMATCH aims to match commercial business sponsorship on a £ for £ basis and has three primary objectives:

2 Jul 2010